Revolution of being happens by accident.
It is not that you make something happen, but that something happens.
Revolution of being happens by accident.
It is rather letting accident to happen.
Trees float.
Trees are rooted.
Can you at the same time keep the word and lye?
Trees are raptures.
Trees are rather between the trees than the trees.
Who says that tree is a tree? Or that opposite should be the opposite?
Who says that it has been said?
Trees are raptures of reality.
Every threshold is a rapture of reality.
Welcome TO THE tHEATRe of THE InconceivabLe!
Who says that tree is a tree? Or that opposite should be the opposite?
Who says that it has been said?
Trees are raptures of reality.
Every threshold is a rapture of reality.
Welcome TO THE tHEATRe of THE InconceivabLe!
From one of the pictures you’ve chosen, create the sight.
Intensity of leaving is intensity of living. Trees are foggy shadows. Approachable. Light as a singing bird. Gentle as a song of a singing bird. My feelings are full of my body. How far can you go? How far do you go? How close is yours far-away? Close-away. |
Love Is a Limping Elephant
carries it strength beneath the wisdom-jungle
has a warm womb filled with dark, always growing flowers
yells at the sky
that explosions in limbs are magnificent
that elephants are phantoms
and elves are flowered
elfphantoms kissing the limping
elephant … who only goes goes goes further
knows of nothing but loving
the path in the sky in the wisdom-jungle
carries it strength beneath the wisdom-jungle
has a warm womb filled with dark, always growing flowers
yells at the sky
that explosions in limbs are magnificent
that elephants are phantoms
and elves are flowered
elfphantoms kissing the limping
elephant … who only goes goes goes further
knows of nothing but loving
the path in the sky in the wisdom-jungle
The only truth about the nature of the texts is their endlessness.
More of my texts, but in Croatian are to be found at this LINK.